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Things you should know before visiting Vietnam

Vietnam, a long narrow nation shaped like the letter ‘S’ is located on the Indochina peninsula in Southeast Asia and is a mesmerizing country, known for its rich history, breathtaking landscapes, and warm hospitality. The stunning beaches, lush green forests and serene beaches of this place beckons visitors with its magnetic charm and diverse offerings.

The unique culture, captivating history, and warm-hearted people of this place contribute to making this place worth visiting. Before embarking on a journey to this beautiful Southeast Asian country, it is important to gather some important information to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey.

Check out this list of some of the key things you should know before visiting Vietnam.

1. Visa Requirements

Before heading to Vietnam, make sure you check the visa requirements for your nationality. Some countries may be eligible for visa exemptions or visa-on-arrival options, while others may need to apply for a visa in advance. Therefore, to avoid any last-minute complications, it's important to have this sorted well in advance.

2. Weather Variability

Vietnam experiences a diverse climate due to its extended geography. The north is generally cooler, with distinct seasons, while the south enjoys a more consistent tropical climate. Make sure you check the weather forecast for the specific regions you plan to visit and pack according to the same.

3. Currency and Payments

The currency used in Vietnam is the Vietnamese Dong (VND). While credit cards are widely accepted in urban areas, it's advisable to carry cash when traveling into rural or less touristy areas. While ATMs are readily available in cities, they may be less accessible in remote locations.

4. Cultural Etiquette

While visiting Vietnam, it is important to respect local customs and traditions. Make sure you dress modestly, especially when visiting temples or religious sites. Remember to remove your shoes before entering someone’s home or certain places. Also, it is customary to greet others with a slight bow, especially when greeting elders.

5. Local Cuisine

Vietnamese cuisine is famous worldwide for its fresh and flavorful dishes. Make sure you don’t miss out on tasting iconic dishes like Pho, Banh Mi, and Goi Cuon. Be adventurous and explore street food, but make sure to choose vendors with good hygiene practices.

6. Language Barrier

While English is becoming more widely spoken, especially in tourist areas, a basic understanding of Vietnamese phrases can go a long way in interacting with the locals. Learning a few key expressions like "hello," "thank you," and "goodbye" can greatly enhance your travel experience.

7. Transportation

Traveling in Vietnam can be an adventure in itself. From bustling cities to calm countryside, the modes of transportation differ. Consider using a combination of buses, trains, and domestic flights to cover long distances. While in cities, you can use ride-hailing apps or rent a scooter to navigate through traffic.

8. Bargaining Skills

Bargaining is a common practice in Vietnamese markets, so brush up on your bargaining skills while visiting the markets. While bargaining, be polite but firm on your offer, and remember that both parties should leave the transaction feeling satisfied. This can be a fun and culturally enriching part of your shopping experience.

9. Health and Safety

Make sure you have the necessary vaccinations and consult a healthcare professional for any recommended precautions before traveling to Vietnam. Remember, tap water is not drinkable, so opt for bottled water. Also, be cautious when crossing busy streets, as traffic can be overwhelming.

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