Christ the Redeemer, an iconic statue that stands proudly atop the Corcovado mountain, located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil is one of the seven wonders of the world. With its outstretched arms and towering presence, this awe-inspiring monument has become a symbol of peace, love, and compassion, capturing the hearts and imaginations of people worldwide.
This fourth-largest statue of Jesus Christ stands as a magnificent testament to human creativity, engineering prowess, and religious devotion. The towering presence, panoramic views, and cultural significance of this 98 feet tall statue leave an enduring impression on its visitors.
Check out this list of some interesting facts about the magnificent statue of Christ the Redeemer:
1. The statue was not built in Brazil

The construction of Christ the Redeemer did not take place in Brazil. Originally, the statue was crafted by French sculptor Paul Landowski in separate clay pieces in France. Later on, these pieces were transported to Brazil, where Brazilian engineer Heitor da Silva Costa and French engineer Albert Caquot collaborated to reconstruct the statue using reinforced concrete. The statue was then constructed in sections, which were then assembled on-site.
2. The original design for the statue was different

Originally, the statue's design was different from what we get to see today. As per the initial concept, it was visualized that the statue will be holding a globe in one hand and a cross in the other as opposed to the widely recognized depiction of outstretched arms.
3. It was built over 9 years

The construction of this statue took 9 years to be completed. Beginning in 1922, the construction was finally completed in 1931, at 250,000 US dollars. The statue stands at a height of 98 feet, with its pedestal adding 26 feet.
4. The statue has been hit by lightning several times

Because of being located at a mountaintop, the statue is prone to lightning strikes and gets lightning strikes around three to six times a year. In the year 2014, during the FIFA World Cup, the statue was struck by lightning due to which one of the statue’s thumbs broke down.
5. The statue has gone through multiple restoration projects

Over the years, the statue has undergone several restoration projects to preserve its beauty and structural integrity. In 2010, a major restoration was carried out to repair damage caused by weathering and lightning strikes. The statue was also equipped with a lighting system, allowing it to be illuminated at night, creating a stunning spectacle.
6. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site

In 2012, Christ the Redeemer and the surrounding Tijuca National Park were collectively designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The statue's historical, cultural, and natural significance contributed to this prestigious recognition.
7. This iconic statue is full of hidden messages

Constructed with reinforced concrete, Christ the Redeemer features an outer layer adorned with approximately 6 million soapstone tiles. Interestingly, it is believed that some of the workers involved in creating these tiles took the opportunity to write hidden messages on the backs, adding an intriguing layer of mystery to this iconic landmark.